Thursday, January 18, 2007

Greek Culture

1.) Religion of the ancient Greeks are different from Jews, Christians, and Muslims because ancient Greeks have no sacred writings and no commandments.

2.) The Olympian gods are like human beings because the show human qualities like love, hate, and jealousy. The Olympians gods are different from human beings because they live forever and human beings don't.

3.) Some features of Athenian democracy is that one-fifth of the population could participate in government and many of the positions were paid, so even poor citizens could hold office.

are Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

5.) Some of the events included in the Olympic Game are boxing, wrestling, the javelin and discus throws, and races of all kinds.

6.) What made the Greek languages easy to use was because they use letters to represent all the sounds in Greek languages.

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