Wednesday, February 28, 2007

~ Hurricane Katrina ~

Hurricane Katrina ruined many peoples lives and broke apart a lot of families. My heart goes out to those who lost love ones and everything that they owned. I think that the government should try and hurry up and rebuild New Orleans. It's seem that out of all of the damages that hurricanes had made it's taking them longer to rebuild New Orleans .But hurricane Katrina was a big destroyed that effect a lot of people and just not the people that she hit.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Writing Options ( The Pillow Book)

February 16, 2007
Got a paper saying that I have fulfilled the first eligibility requirement to be in the National Honor Society. I went home and told my parents and they were happy for me and told me to fill out the papers and see if I get accept.

February 18, 2007
Got three comments from the residents at work saying that I'm a very good and polite waitress. I was surprise at first because I didn't even see anyone writing any comments nor put any comment papers in the comment box from my quad.

February 20, 2007
Just before school was out the fire alarm went off and we thought it was a fire at first but then we thought maybe someone pull it because no teacher or principal would pull it two minutes before class, well that's what I was thinking to myself.

The Students
The students that are in my four classes are good kids. You know how you can have through trouble makers or through smart mouthed ones that talk back to the teacher, well I don't have none of them in my class at least I think so. I like that because that way everyone gets the help that they might need and there's no distractions in class. I get alone with all my peers in my classes which is a good thing. So through are the Booker High Students that I see everyday for five days a week.

BHS Teachers
When It comes to Booker Highs Teachers what can I say...Well my teacher's that I have are very helpful and nice. But I have this one teacher that's the nicest her name is Mrs. Postell. She different for most teachers and that's a good thing. Most teachers just give you your work and tell you what needs to be done. But It's different with Mrs. Postell I love her class and the things we do in her class, like where we get to write our opinions on different topics. The one thing that I love about Mrs. Postell is that she very open and involve with her students. I never seen a teacher that's so involve with her students like Mrs. Postell. When I found out that she was teacher of the month all I could say is that she deserve it even through I haven't even known her for that long. If I could pick any teacher at Booker High School as my mentor I would pick Mrs. Postell or Mr. Patterson because they're real down to earth as teachers and most teachers aren't that way.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Women In Botswana.

Life in Botswana is very hard for male and female because of the high aids infection rate in the southern part of Africa where Botswana is located. Out of one thousand infants that are females, fifty-two of them die. On a daily basis, the women there are beaten then raped by their male partners. Most women of Botswana that are pregnant have AIDS or HIV and they also don't have any rights.The women of Botswana get paid as much as males do. There isn't any male doctors in Botswana that deliver babies only women doctors deliver babies in Botswana.

The women in Botswana have alot of time on there hands unlike their husbands. Their living conditions are very bad they don't have transportation so that means they have to walk everywhere they go even if it's raining. They also have to search for what food they can find for them and their families to eat. So it's a very big struggle for them when it comes to surving in Botswana.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Japanese Poerty

1.) I think that Jade flower Palace has the most vivid images.

2.) "Land Of Plague And Fever." meaning that the land is dangerous, not a good place to be."Wings to Fly With Water" and "Horned dragons" probably have to do with war.

3.) You never miss something until it's gone.

4.) The details that he provide in "Song of P'eng-ya are that they ate, well served rations of food.

6.) The narrators differ their attitude by the writing of the poem the (subject) in Jade Flower Palace." He talks about a palace which is anbanded and demolish. In Ozymandias he talks about a traveler he might and the landscape of the desert.

7.) Yes because it talks about how he got in trouble with the prince who did some wrongdoing, So his poems are base on the things in his life.

8.) His poems are relevant to the modern world because people today write like Tu Fu wrote in the eighth century, they use the same word structure, similes metaphors and etc.

Thinking Through The Pillow Book.

1.) The most interesting part of "The Pillow Book" was when they were talking to the dog as if he/she could ready talk like humans.

2.) I think Shonagon sent word to Tadataka because the dog was acting strange and unusual so that's why I think Shonagon had sent words to Tadataka to let her now that, that was a totally different dog.

3.)I think that the author is a okay writer when it comes to her writing in her dairy. She tells things as see them. Things in life are hateful, beautiful, and embarrassing and that's how things are in the real world.

4.) I think she means that her typical beautiful day is different in other peoples eyes that might have a different idea of a beautiful day than her.


6.) I agree with graceful things and embarrassing things. People in today's world always get embarrassed and find certain things pleasant and nice. But I don't agree with hateful things because I don't hate things/people I might dislike things/or dislike certain people for what they do or for their personality.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Favorite Holiday

When it comes to Holiday's...I get very happy because it means a lot to me like having fun, spending time with ALL of my family, and the most fun part of all eating. My favorite Holiday is Thanksgiving because I get to see all my family. I mean my family! from Georgia, New York, Alabama and other places. We all get together talk, catch up, dance, listen to music, eat, we do everything when we get together. This is why I like Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"The Smith Family"

I LOVE my family...What can I say their alway there when I need them. We have alot of fun together but don't get it twisted we all have our moments when we're at each others necks. But family is very important to me because I can talk to them about anything...well my sister and I don't have worry about her telling my parents if I don't want them to know, But I end up telling them anyway.But what I love the most about my sister is that I can talk to her about anything and she won't shut me up, she'll wait until I'm done talking and then give me her advise. This is why I LOVE my family even through I don't show it all the time you know when I get mad at my parents or slibings and don't talk to them for a little minute.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese Poetry

1.) I would have to say that "The River - Merchant's wife. A letter" appeals to me the most.

2.) I would describe the relationship between the wife and her husband as if they don't see each other that much and she makes it seem as if he move and left her.

3.) The speaker's feelings in "Still Night Thoughts" is that he/she feeling sad as if he/she is missing their home.

4.) The effects of the speaker seeing the waterfall is as if he/she is living in fairy tale land and trying to remember every moment of it.

6.) The similarities and differences between the feeling of " Mulberry on the Lowland" is that it seems peaceful and in "The River- Merchant's wife: A letter" it seems sad as if the speaker is missing someone.

7.) Some people in today's world view nature as a beautiful thing, others don't really care for nature.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Poetry Of Ancient Rome

1. I think the advice that was given in the poems was good advice. It makes you think about how you should live your life as you read.

2. The advice given in "Seize The Day" is to live each day as one and not think about tomorrow.

3. I think that the speaker means that you should have your own role and not be a follower. If you respect others they should do the same unto you.

5. The poems all teach you good advice that you can use to better yourself in life. The poems give delight by being short almost like songs. The poems also give delight by the way they are written in the way showing grace, charm, and the precision of language.

6. I find the image of Better to Live, Licinius... because it shows everyone doing their own thing and living their lives the way they want to live them.

7. I think that Seize the Day gives the best advise, it tells you that you should live life to the fullest and not think about tomorrow worry about today and live life the way you want.

8. Yes I agree, I think it means that you should have goals for yourself in life.


I think abortions is wrong, but I also think they should be allow on certain situations. I think it's wrong to kill an innocent child that didn't do nothing wrong.If the mother of the child doesn't want her child I think that she should give them up for adoption to another family or family member. I think it's better that way because the parent won't have to deal with knowing that they killed their child at least they will know that they're living and not dead.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Pause And Effects On Oedipus

6.) Oedipus learns that polybus, his father is dead.

7.) Oedipus found out that he was raised as polybus son by the messenger who told him that he was a gift and founded by him pinned on a monutain.

8.) Oedipus discover that he was giving away to a shepherd to die.

9.) Oedipus blind hiself by taking a pin and taking his eyes out, He did it because of all the pain he was feeling and has cause.